Witch Way Out Read online

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  Rising on hind legs again, he willed the change back but before it could happen, he heard a cry and, looking up, saw her standing in her tower room, dressed in an even more outlandish outfit than the night before.

  And totally rocking it. The woman had a style entirely unique to herself, and as he shifted back and his brain cleared the rest of the way to human thinking, he realized the bear was right. They were night and day, but every time he saw her, he fought the attraction. They’d had a really great dinner the night before; she’d adored his food and even wanted to travel. If she could get away from business.

  And the bear knew.

  But from the shrieks in the tower, she wasn’t too impressed with his bear. Funny he’d have thought nothing could scare her.

  “Help! I can’t get out!” She waved her arms and continued to holler. Couldn’t get out?

  He shifted, quickly, leaving himself breathless and lying in the leaves. Standing up, he brushed himself off. “If you can wait until I get some clothes on.”

  “No, come now! I’m afraid the stairs are disappearing and I’ll be trapped up here forever!”

  No drama there. But what did he know for witches and their spells.

  “It’s a curse, I think. Every time I am coming over to see you, I can’t find the door. I thought Ralph, my cat familiar, broke the enchantment last night, but...I can’t keep shouting all this. I’ll explain when you get up here.”

  With a deep breath, he broke into a run for her house and after starting for the front, veered off to the kitchen door. He’d not likely meet a neighbor, but just in case, he didn’t want to be on the street with his thing hanging out if someone did happen to drive by.

  The kitchen door was locked, of course, but with another quick shift—he would need a nap!—he became the grizzly again and barreled into the door while Tina continued to beg him to hurry. The bear hated her being in danger. A lot.

  On the third try, the door splintered and he loped into the kitchen and through the house to an iron spiral stairway. The bear’s sense of urgency would not allow him to take the time to shift. Mate. Danger. Go. The words were on a loop in his head as the animal scrambled up the stairs, claws scraping on the iron, his weight making the suspended stairway sway. With the part of his brain he retained, he hoped it would support his weight. Somehow he was much heavier, about triple his normal two hundred pounds, in this form.

  At the top, he launched into a round room inhabited by his mate. Throwing back his head he bellowed. With the bear in ascendancy, he thought she might be frightened but instead, Tina walked right up to him and threw her arms around the bear.

  “You rescued me. You were the key. Not my familiar. I found this note. Look.”

  The bear had a lot of abilities, but he didn’t do well handling fragile things like paper, and he’d never shown the slightest inclination to read. As much as he hated to do it, he pulled back until he stood a few feet away from her then shifted to human.

  Tina stared, and for the first time in a long time nudity embarrassed him. Of necessity, his family and friends were often naked and nobody cared. But as he felt his cheeks heat, he suddenly became aware that her stare was focused lower than his face, and she was looking at him with total admiration.

  “Oh my goodness. Did I do that to you?”

  “It’s nothing compared to what I’d love to do to you.”

  She narrowed her eyes, but held her ground. “Is this like last night when you kissed me then shoved me away?”

  “Nah,” he said. “I’ve gotten past that.”

  Tina fluffed her already high 1980s style hair. Retro chicks rocked at the clubs this season. “Good. Because I couldn’t figure out what happened. I thought we were having such a nice evening then you couldn’t get rid of me fast enough.”

  “You noticed that, did you?”

  “It was a little hard not to.” She sat on the side of the bed and crossed her legs, pushing a skirt so short he wasn’t sure it even qualified as one up to the tops of her thighs. Which showed off the garters holding up sheer stockings. He almost drooled.

  “My bear likes you.”

  She nodded. “I like him, too. He’s a big gorgeous guy.”

  “He thinks we belong together, that you’re my mate.”

  “Oh. I see.”

  Not exactly the reaction he hoped for. Still, Yuvan moved over to sit next to her on the bed. “I think we need to get to know one another first.”

  “I agree.”

  “Because we might drive each other crazy. I like peace and quiet, you like loud music.” His cock still jutted into the air, his blood surged with lust, and he was discussing music. He had to be nuts. But it was a big thing.

  “I have headphones. I can use them.”

  “Really? You wouldn’t mind?” Slipping an arm around her shoulders, he drew her close. “Because I have a great idea how we can get to know one another.”

  She snuggled in, resting a hand on his chest and letting it trail lower, so slowly, it almost stopped his breathing. “I’d love to hear it.”

  “Would you like another Moroccan meal?” He nuzzled her ear, gliding his lips down her jaw, eyeing the strapless top and wondering if she’d mind if he lowered it even further. When she closed her hand around his dick, he sensed a boob grab might not upset her.

  “Okay. You can cook me another dinner. But not right now, okay?”

  “I meant, let’s go to Morocco and have dinner. Then maybe Egypt. Or Italy. Or Norway. Let’s take a trip.” He found the hooks on the front of her bodice and began to open them one by one. “Like the idea?”

  “For how long?” She squeezed and his cock jerked in response. “Mmm, this is nice.”

  “Six months? A year? However long we like.” Yuvan peeled the sides of the bodice open and freed her breasts. Her nipples were pointed and he closed his mouth over one and sucked.

  She gasped. “But what about my business?”

  “Do you need the money? Because I have enough for both of us. You can rent this place out while we’re gone if you want.”

  “I don’t need money...I just like helping my customers feel better. But the note I wanted to show you was from a certain troll who I beat out on the purchase of this house and had put a curse on it so I couldn’t get out for a date except for one with my true love...who had to come to the door to pick me up.”

  He released her nipple long enough to comment. “That’s just weird.” Then went for the other breast and lapped circles around the stiff peak.

  “It is. What’s weirder is that you were the one...ohhh.” She drew a deep breath and let it out. “I think it means you’re supposed to be my true love.”

  He sat up and shook his head. “And my bear says you’re my mate.” Yuvan found the zipper on the side of her skirt and lowered it then drew the garment off over her hips. The thong he just snapped. “The world is conspiring against us.”

  “We should run away.” She moved farther onto the bed and held her arms out to him.


  “It’s a start.”

  When he drove his cock into her wet, tight pussy, Yuvan knew he’d come home. They had a long way to go to find themselves as a couple, but nothing this good could ever be wrong. She wrapped herself around him and cried out his name as orgasm after orgasm rolled over her until finally he couldn’t hold out any longer and emptied himself into his mate. She was beautiful, she was smart, she cared about her customers’ health, and she had headphones.

  It was just like a fairy tale.


  Dear Zelda,

  By the time you get this I should be halfway to Morocco. With the dreamy bear from next door. He rescued me from my tower and is incredible in bed. I’ve arranged for the troll who wanted to buy the house to rent Yuvan’s place for a year while we’re gone and we’ll see from there. If all goes well we’ll be in my place anyway. I hope to bring back lots of interesting plants for my greenhouse.

  I’m sending Ralp
hie your way for the duration. I don’t know how I’d get him in and out of all the countries we’ll be visiting, so I hope you won’t mind babysitting. I’ll bring you something from our travels as a thank you.

  The harshams are good at masquerading as bedroom slippers, and they are in love with Yuvan. Funny story...his family is in the nightclub business. I couldn’t remember where I’d heard the last name Ursa until I mentioned the club I wanted to take him to and that the owner was Warren Ursa. His cousin. My peace-loving, nightclub-hating fella actually has an interest in some of them. He just didn’t know that they’d opened a new one near me. We haven’t gone yet but maybe when we get back. I’m sure dancing will be good for him.

  Hugs to you and all your peeps,

  Bright blessings from Tina and Yuvan, world travelers

  To check out all the side splitting books in the Magic and Mayhem Universe, go to https://magicandmayhemuniverse.com/

  Kate Richards

  Kate Richards divides her time between Los Angeles and the High Sierras. She would gladly spend all her days in the mountains, but she’d miss the beach...and her very supportive husband’s commute would be three hundred miles. Wherever she is, she loves to explore all different kinds of relationships in her stories. She doesn’t believe one-size-fits-all, and whether her characters live BDSM, ménage, GLBT, spanking, or any other kind of lifestyle, it’s the love, the joy in one another, that counts.

  Facebook Fan Page http://on.fb.me/14Vqx48

  Goodreads Page http://bit.ly/19yVcWh

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  Also by Kate Richards

  Finally, My Love

  Demons Love Cinnamon

  Christmas Afternoon Delight

  The Vampire’s Bard

  Pirate Lady Holiday

  Spanking Ms. Whitman

  Dungeon Time

  Switch, The Trainer

  Confessions From the Carnivore Club, Dave and Nancy’s Story

  Sierra Seduction

  Sensual Delights A Cookie Club Romance

  One Night on the Beach

  Avalon for Christmas

  The Virgin and the Playboy

  The Virgin and the Best Man

  Two Men and a Virgin

  Two Men

  Virgin Under Ground

  Gale Force Passion

  Trail of Hearts

  The Milkman Cometh

  Madame Eve’s Gift

  Frontier Inferno

  An Apple Away (The Wiccan Haus)

  It’s Just Love


  For Ben (Corbin’s Bend)

  Her Cowboy (Corbin’s Bend)

  Roy and Teri’s Accidental Staycation (Corbin’s Bend)

  Honey’s Sexy Surprise

  Haunting Suspicions

  All’s Fair

  Lily in Chains

  Terci in Chains

  Felicia’s Chains

  Sweet Christmas Kisses Anthology

  Taming Marguerite

  The Soviet Connection (Omega Team)

  Spurs (Omega Team)

  Shifters and Spice Anthology

  Floating Hearts (Melody Anne’s Billionaire Universe)

  The Foreman and the Lady (Lone Star Burn)

  A Daring Contract (Dare to Love)

  Saving Cicely (Hell Yeah!)

  Topaz’s Trials (Red Petticoat Series)

  Bound by Her Captain

  His Wild Colleen (Wild Irish)

  Wolves and Bears and Foxes, Oh My!

  An Evening at Animals

  An Evening at Crossroads

  An Evening in the Superstitions

  Fire and Ice

  Witch Way Out (Magic and Mayhem)